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Snowpiercer Vol. 2

Title: Snowpiercer Vol. 2: The Explorers

Author: Benjamin Legrand , Jean-Marc Rochette

Publisher: Titan Comics

Genre: Comic

Pages: 144

Rating: 3/5 stars

Reading Challenges:

In a harsh, uncompromisingly cold future where Earth has succumbed to treacherously low temperatures, the last remaining members of humanity travel on a train known as Snowpiercer while the outside world remains encased in ice.

The occupants aboard the Snowpiercer believed themselves to be the last humans alive, yet they soon learn that they are not alone. There is another train that could potentially spell destruction for the passengers of the Snowpiercer as it carves a trail through the endlessly freezing terrain. 

This second train houses a small band of people that are willing to brave the relentless cold in search of the truth and discover what is left of the world by any means necessary.

We get the next chapter in the Snowpiercer saga, but suddenly we’ve jumped forward in time and somehow are on a different train. There were multiple Snowpiercers? Very confusing… Once I settled in, I started to like the story, but there wasn’t enough there to keep my attention on high alert. I Don’t always need everything explained, but the utter lack of any explanations in this volume bothered me. And I’m still not a fan of the art at all.

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