Likes: Arthur (usually), cars trains and planes, climbing, being free and wandering, his stuffed panda, reading with mommy
Dislikes: Naps, vegetables, when it's time to go, Arthur playing with his toys
Sleeping: Random wake-ups for the past couple of weeks. We're transitioning to a twin size mattress on the floor and I think he is still adjusting.
Eating: Most of the things except for vegetables. He's a bit of a better eater than Arthur at the same age, but still being a picky toddler.
Playing: Lots of imaginary play with the play kitchen and all the cars and trucks. Plus, he's huge fan of playgrounds and the beach.
Milestones: Starting to actually talk. Only a few words here and there, but more more communication.
Out and About: Too many activities to list! We've been going going going every week.
Next up on the TBR Pile: