Title: Network Effect (Murderbot Diaries #5)
Author: Martha Wells
Publisher: Tor.com 2020
Genre: Science Fiction
Pages: 346
Rating: 5/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Ebook
You know that feeling when you’re at work, and you’ve had enough of people, and then the boss walks in with yet another job that needs to be done right this second or the world will end, but all you want to do is go home and binge your favorite shows? And you're a sentient murder machine programmed for destruction? Congratulations, you're Murderbot.
Come for the pew-pew space battles, stay for the most relatable A.I. you’ll read this century.
I’m usually alone in my head, and that’s where 90 plus percent of my problems are.
When Murderbot's human associates (not friends, never friends) are captured and another not-friend from its past requires urgent assistance, Murderbot must choose between inertia and drastic action.
Drastic action it is, then.
Oh Murderbot! I can’t believed I’ve finished all the books that have been published. I just want to sink further into this world and see Murderbot’s evolution and search for an identity. This first, full-length novel dives back into the story and reintroduces many beloved characters. We get to see Murderbot move forward in its relationships with humans and non-humans alike. Plus we get a great long-form action sequence in the last third of the book. As usual, my favorite part of the book was the little asides from Murderbot. The parenthetical statements are the best and occasionally made me laugh out loud. Such fun!
Murderbot Diaries:
#5 Network Effect
#6 Fugitive Telemetry
Next up on the TBR pile: