Wading Through...

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Life Right Now #21

As I look outside my window: Bright and sunny. It’s looking to be a warmer day than yesterday. I yearn for fall over here…

Right now I am: Deciding what to focus on for the day. I have a to-do list a mile long, but need to just pick one or two things to focus on.

On my bedside table: All the spooky season reads! I’ve got some great ones lined up for this season. Here’s hoping that they are some winners.

On my tv this week: We’ve watched more Star Trek: Discovery and lots and lots of Breaking News, Game Changer, Um Actually, and Make Some Noise.

Listening to: I downloaded the new Linkin Park single. A different sound, but I’m digging it.

On the menu for this week:

  • Monday - Apple Cheddar Grilled Cheese

  • Tuesday - Coffee Rubbed Pork Loin

  • Wednesday - Leftovers

  • Thursday - Chicken Tangine

  • Friday - Sloppy Joes

  • Saturday - Seafood Stew

  • Sunday - Honey and Lime Jalapeño Chicken

On my to do list: So much! I know that the laundry needs to be put away and I should wipe down the kitchen. Meal-planning and grocery list making are a must. I could work on my Memory Planner and/or WITL album. I need to switch the excess ink catcher cartridge on the printer. So many other things I am sure!

Happening this week:

  • Monday - School Picture Day

  • Tuesday - Luminarium

  • Wednesday - Car Appointment

  • Thursday - Coop

  • Friday - Nature Hike

  • Saturday - Home Day

  • Sunday - Breakfast Club

What I am creating: Nothing much at the moment. Maybe I can dip into my Memory Planner this afternoon.

My simple pleasures: A cool breeze, spooky books

Looking around the house: Meh. I put out my fall (not Halloween, just fall) decor yesterday. Makes everything just a bit festive. I do need to clean off the breakfast room table as it’s become a catch-all this week. I also should bag the rest of the Goodwill bound toys and such.

From the camera: A very odd request from a co-op member…