Wading Through...

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Life Right Now #18

Right now I am: Prepping for the Homeschool Seminar I’m hosting today. Lots of people are planning on coming (like 25), we’ll see who actually shows up.

Thinking and pondering: Do I have everything for my trip to Indiana? Packing lists are such a pain sometimes.

On my bedside table: The Six by Loren Grush; Beautiful Vengeance by Katee Robert; Gargantis by Thomas Taylor

On my tv this week: Not a whole lot. We did jump back into A Gentleman in Moscow (we’re almost done). We also finished S2 of The Big Door Prize, S1 of Twisted Metal, S4 of The Boys, and S2 of Hit Monkey.

Listening to: I dove back into Revolutions S10 with my new AirPods. I’m about 60% of the way through that season.

On the menu for this week: We will be having leftovers on Monday night… and then we will be traveling, so no definite plans.

On my to do list: I have some random things I want to get down before leaving on Tuesday. Mostly they are little tasks and general clean-up items.

Happening this week:

  • Monday - Pool afternoon (last one of the season for us)

  • Tuesday - Travel Day; Pickup Alex from the airport

  • Wednesday - Drive to Fort Wayne

  • Thursday - Chill Day

  • Friday - Coffee with a friend; Pool afternoon

  • Saturday - Coffee with a friend

  • Sunday - Hanging out with Grandpa

What I am creating: I made a little travel kit for my Memory Planner and regular planner. I should be able to finish July’s pages while in Indiana. And work on August-September’s planner pages.

My simple pleasures: Conchitas, returning library books (that I’ve finished), time alone to just think

Looking around the house: Things are pretty picked up prior to our trip. I like coming home to a decently clean house.

From the camera: The boys experienced Sushi Train for the first time. They loved it!