Title: Hunting Adeline (Cat and Mouse #2)
Author: H.D. Carlton
Publisher: 2022
Genre: Romance
Pages: 651
Rating: 3/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Finishing the Series; Romanceopoly - Butterfly Garden
Where I Got It: Library
Spice Rating: 8
Warning: This book contains graphic depictions of sexual assault. Please review the content warnings before proceeding.
“If she were to die… the world would die with her.”
The worst Adeline Reilly expected for her life were a few unholy ghosts haunting the hallways of Parsons Manor, not falling in love with her stalker and ending up in the clutches of a trafficking ring.
Trapped in a house used to groom women for the elite, she faces the biggest fight of her life—survive the Culling and escape. But that’s not so easy when watchful eyes are determined to see her fail. However, Adeline may have an unlikely ally, who just might be the key to her getting out alive.
But trusting them is a risk that could cost her everything.
Meanwhile, Zade will stop at nothing until Adeline is safe in his arms again, even if he must burn the world to find her. Hunting his little mouse is what he’s best at, but who she’ll be when he finds her is a battle that he doesn’t know he can win.
It won’t be the test of time they must survive, but the memories of who they once were.
I really enjoyed the first book detailing a morally grey main character and his actions towards a woman. I really wanted to explore the topic of consent and fantasies. It was a fascinating book. But then there was a terrible cliffhanger at the end of the book. I had to see how the story ends, but I’m not sure that I actually enjoyed reading it. We spend almost half of the book with Addie in captivity being brutalized constantly. I fully admit that skimmed through huge chunks of this section not wanting to read about the abuse. I did find the second half more interesting, detailing how someone can deal with and heal from trauma. We get a HEA here, but it’s a long and disturbing journey. Be forewarned.
Cat and Mouse
#2 Hunting Adeline
Next up on the TBR pile: