What We Studied
It has been so nice to get back to our usual routine. We all needed a break over Christmas, but the fact that we couldn’t really leave the house made the break seem more like cabin fever after awhile. Judging by the increasing attitude from the kids, they need to be out and about or at least have a home routine. The attitude has receded as we got back into the regular week. Phew!
Literature and Poetry
Our literature selection for this month is Matilda by Roald Dahl. Arthur, J, and I attended a performance of the musical version (lyrics by Tim Minchin!), back in 2019. It was nice to start with a book that I have read before and that Arthur is mostly familiar with. After we finish (in two weeks), we are going to watch the movie with Mara Wilson and Danny Devito. Beyond our literature selection, I’ve been having Arthur read a book aloud to me a few times this week. We will be continuing this into the rest of the semester. He even picked out a few Level 2 readers to challenge his reading for next week. We also started a few winter-themed picture books literature studies. I found a couple of great resources online to go with 30 different books. We’ll be sprinkling these in through the month. And we grabbed a few winter themed poetry books.
Matilda by Roald Dahl
Winter is Coming by Tony Johnston
Winter Lights by Anna Grossnickle Hines
Snow by Marion Dane Bauer (Arthur read)
Fox Versus Winter by Corey R. Tabor (Arthur read)
Sneezy the Snowman by Maureen Wright (literature study)
The Snow Globe Family by Jane O’Connor (literature study)
We’re finishing out our Ruby book this week and next. Arthur has really gotten into the various exercises from the book. We’ll be moving into using Codespark sometime next week. We are also continuing to supplement with Khan Academy’s math courses and various worksheets. We should be starting Singapore 2A in two weeks.
If You were a Circle by Molly Blaisdell
Social Studies
This week was all about geography! We covered both Antarctica and South America for our continent studies. Antarctica because we are studying cold weather right now for our unit theme. And South America because we will be studying ancient Andes Mountain and Mesoamerican Cultures. We also learned about a few specific polar region and South American explorers from our Explorers books. (See Unit Theme for book list related to the cold)
We covered the Endocrine System and Immune System for Anatomy this week. Next week will be our last week for anatomy before moving on to other science topics. I’m surprised at how much Arthur really got into this study.
Eyewitness: Human Body
My Amazing Body Machine
Nothing formal
Our composer was Leonard Bernstein. Arthur was not a huge fan except for West Side Story, which is one of my least favorite musicals. But at least he listened! He did like watching Kristin Chenoweth perform a selection from Candide.
Unit Theme
Our big theme was the cold weather regions and accompanying subjects. We covered the geography and weather of the Arctic and Antarctic, polar exploration, native groups of the Arctic, general weather, plants of the cold, animals of the cold, and animal adaptations. Plus we read a ton of winter themed picture books.
The Coldest Places on Earth by Jennifer M. Besel
Winter by Cynthia Amoroso and Robert B. Noyed
Wonderful Winter by Bruce Goldstone
Explore Antarctica by Bobbie Kalman
Antarctic Tundra by Vicky Franchino
Antarctica by Mel Friedman
Eyewitness: Polar Exploration
Winter, Winter, Cold and Snow by Sharon Gibson Palermo
Grandmother Winter by Phyllis Root
The Snow Dancer by Addie Boswell
My Winter City by James Gladstone
The Inuit by Kevin Cunningham and Peter Benoit
Igloos and Inuit Life by Louise Spilsbury
Ituko: An Inuit Child
Winter Dance by Marion Dane Bauer
Caribou Song by Atihko Nikamon
Big Snow by Jonathan Bean
Snow Bear by Jean Craighead George
Today is Snowy by Martha E.H. Rustad
Whiteout by Rick Thomas
Plants in Winter by Jenny Fretland VanVoorst
Weather in Winter by Jenny Fretland VanVoorst
It’s Winter by Linda Glaser
When the Snow Falls by Linda Booth Sweeney
Red Sled by Lita Judge (Quentin’s favorite!)
Mama, Do You Love Me by Barbara M. Joosse
Sugar White Snow and Evergreen by Felicia Sanzari Chernesky
Sweetest Kulu by Celina Kalluk
Ocean Anatomy
Reindeer by Dee Phillips
Harp Seal by Dee Phillips
Walrus Tusk Tusk by Stephen Person
In Arctic Waters by Laura Crawford
Immi’s Gift by Karin Littlewood
Wolf in the Snow by Matthew Cordell
The Stolen Sun by Amanda Hall
Snack, Snooze, Skedaddle by Laura Prudie Salas
Winter Sleep by Sean Taylor and Alex Morss
A Loud Winter’s Nap by Katy Hudson
Snow Rabbit, Spring Rabbit by Sung Na
Do Polar Bears Snooze in Hollow Trees by Laura Purdie Salas
Lemonade in Winter by Emily Jenkins and G. Brian Karas
Chaucer’s First Winter by Stephen Krensky
Winter Trees by Leslie Evans
Snowman’s Story by Will Hillenbrand
Snow is Falling by Franklyn M. Branley
The Little Snowplow Wishes for Snow by Lora Koehler
One Snowy Day by Diana Murray
Misc. - Random picture books read
Thomas the Tank Engine: Easter Engines (Arthur read)
If Picasso Painted a Snowman by Amy and Greg Newbold
The routine is so nice! The attitudes have really turned around this week.
On Wednesday, we stopped into the library for our usual. We also stopped at Half Price Books so I could sell some books. The boys each picked out a new book (Quentin picked a dinosaur book, big surprise, and Arthur picked a Captain Underpants book) and I grabbed a new Ravensburger dinosaur puzzle for us to put together next week.
The melting snow made it impossible to go outside and play for most of the week. The slush makes parts of our year a mud pit.
Movie Night: Shanghai Noon
Next Week
So many things on tap for next week!
Finishing Ruby book
Finishing Anatomy unit
Covering Polar Bears
Continuing Matilda, poetry, and literature studies
Listening to George Gershwin
Learning about the Nazca, Olmec, Toltec, and Zapotec cultures
Possible visit to the zoo
Next up on the TBR pile: