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Glass Town by Isabel Greenberg

Title: Glass Town

Author: Isabel Greenberg

Publisher: Abrams ComicArts 2020

Genre: Graphic Novel

Pages: 220

Rating: 3/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Library Love

Glass Town is an original graphic novel by Isabel Greenberg that encompasses the eccentric childhoods of the four Brontë children—Charlotte, Branwell, Emily, and Anne. The story begins in 1825, with the deaths of Maria and Elizabeth, the eldest siblings. It is in response to this loss that the four remaining Brontë children set pen to paper and created the fictional world that became known as Glass Town. This world and its cast of characters would come to be the Brontës’ escape from the realities of their lives. Within Glass Town the siblings experienced love, friendship, war, triumph, and heartbreak. Through a combination of quotes from the stories originally penned by the Brontës, biographical information about them, and Greenberg’s vivid comic book illustrations, readers will find themselves enraptured by this fascinating imaginary world.

I absolutely loved Greenberg’s other work, The One Hundred Nights of Hero, and was hoping for something similar. This is a reimagining of the make-believe world from the real life Bronte siblings. I am not the biggest fan of the Brontes, but dove into the volume anyway. Enjoyed the pieces focused on Glass Town. I did not enjoy the pieces focused on the real life characters. At times, the storytelling framing got in the way of the good stories. I wanted more Glass Town, less Brontes.

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