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Diavola by Jennifer Thorne

Title: Diavola

Author: Jennifer Thorne

Publisher: Tor Nightfire 2024

Genre: Horror

Pages: 293

Rating: 5/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Library Love; 52 Book Club - Year of the Dragon

Anna has two rules for the annual Pace family destination vacations: Tread lightly and survive.

It isn’t easy when she’s the only one in the family who doesn’t quite fit in. Her twin brother, Benny, goes with the flow so much he’s practically dissolved, and her older sister, Nicole, is so used to everyone—including her blandly docile husband and two kids—falling in line that Anna often ends up in trouble for simply asking a question. Mom seizes every opportunity to question her life choices, and Dad, when not reminding everyone who paid for this vacation, just wants some peace and quiet.

The gorgeous, remote villa in tiny Monteperso seems like a perfect place to endure so much family togetherness, until things start going off the rails—the strange noises at night, the unsettling warnings from the local villagers, and the dark, violent past of the villa itself.

A Nerdy Bookish Friend suggested this book as a good horror selection for me. And she was so right! This was exactly the type of horror book I wanted! We get the lush setting, the absolutely creepy atmosphere, actual ghosts, and a scrappy heroine. I loved the slow descent into madness and horror that the entire Pace family experiences at the hands of the La Dama Bianca. Every description of creepy feeling or sighting was perfectly horrifying. I absolutely adored the mystery surrounding the haunting. And we get to see a very dysfunctional family at play throughout. So many times I really wanted Anna to just turn her entire family (well maybe not the nieces) over to the malevolent spirits. I was with this book to the very end!

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