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Billie Holiday by Carlos Sampayo and Jose Munoz

Title: Billie Holiday

Author: Carlos Sampayo and Jose Munoz

Publisher: NBM Publishing 2017

Genre: Graphic Novel

Pages: 80

Rating: 4/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Library; Monthly Themes January

Born in Philadelphua in 1915, and dead too early in New York in 1959, Billie Holiday became a legendary jazz singer, even mythical. With her voice even now managing to touch so many people, we follow a reporter on the trail of the artist on behalf of a New York daily. Beyond the public scandals that marred the life of the star (alcohol, drugs, violence...), he seeks to restore the truth, revisiting the memory of Billie. Through this investigation, Muñoz and Sampayo trace, through the undertones of racism, and in the wake of the blues, the slow drift of a singer who expressed the deepest emotions in jazz. By internationally renowned Argentine artists, featuring Muñoz' strikingly raw heavy blacks, this is not just a biography but a spell-binding art book tribute.

This was a recommendation from the Omaha library for a biographical comic. Billie Holiday was a musical genius who led a very harsh life. I thoroughly enjoyed this comic interpretation of his life and work. This is certainly an adult comic with adult themes. I could only digest a few pages in one sitting. But it was oh so good. Put me in the mind to listen to some Billie Holiday and drink a cocktail.

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