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An Object of Beauty by Steve Martin

Title: An Object of Beauty

Author: Steven Martin

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing 2010

Genre: Literary Fiction

Pages: 295

Rating: 3/5 stars

Reading Challenges: TBR Pile

Lacey Yeager is young, captivating, and ambitious enough to take the NYC art world by storm. Groomed at Sotheby's and hungry to keep climbing the social and career ladders put before her, Lacey charms men and women, old and young, rich and even richer with her magnetic charisma and liveliness. Her ascension to the highest tiers of the city parallel the soaring heights--and, at times, the dark lows--of the art world and the country from the late 1990s through today.

This book has been sitting on my shelves for a few years and now I know why. It’s not a bad book. In fact, I think the right person would love this book. I am not that person. I just felt ambivalence toward the book and characters the entire time I was reading it. I wasn’t rushing to read the next page or staying up for one more chapter. I thought about abandoning it at one point, but pushed through to find out the end of Lacey’s story. My main issue is with the characters. None are likable or relatable. I just couldn’t get behind anyone and ultimately didn’t care what happened to them.

Next up on the TBR pile: