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A Magical Match by Juliet Blackwell

Title: A Magical Match (Witchcraft Mystery #9)

Author: Juliet Blackwell

Publisher: Berkley 2018

Genre: Cozy Mystery

Pages: 327

Rating: 5/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Finishing the Series; Seasonal Series - Catch-up

Lily Ivory and her friends are planning a 1950s-themed brunch to benefit the local women's shelter. When a figure from her past shows up unannounced, threatening her unless she returns something that belonged to him, Lily's fiancé, Sailor, steps in to defend her. After the same man is found dead later that day, Sailor is the primary suspect. He swears he's innocent, but multiple witnesses ID him as the perpetrator of the assault. Lily vows to clear his name...only she's not sure where to start with the mounting evidence against him. 

Finally I got ahold of this latest Witchcraft Mystery volume! I was so excited to get back into Lily’s story and world. I really enjoyed this volume much more than the last one. I loved the murder mystery, but even more I loved the interactions between all our main characters. And we finally get to meet Graciela and Lily’s mother in this volume. So great! And the reveal of info at the end of the book has got me thinking about what’s coming next for our band of San Franciscans!

Witchcraft Mystery

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