Q woke up puking yesterday canceling all our plans to visit the Pirate Festival. He stopped puking after a few hours, but man it was rough. He ended up taking a 4 hour nap when he usual only takes an hour nap if I'm lucky. The rest of the afternoon he was cranky but his fever had broke.
Selfie with mom
Likes: Snuggles with his blanket, playing with Arthur, grabbing my ankles, opening the pantry/cabinets, fruit of any kind
They're looking a bit creepy here... On the train at the zoo
Dislikes: Nap times, being told "no," not being able to eat all the little toys, being cold
A boo!
Sleeping: He's doing so much better with naps lately. I can usually get him to sleep in his crib for about an hour, maybe an hour and a half, in the afternoon
The car seat box was so much fun to play in
Eating: All the things. His new favorite is chow mein. Love love loved it at the food trucks.
Sound one's on the move!
Playing: All the things. He especially loves his Vtech ferris wheel. He loves to spin it and make all the noises. And all the stuffed animals are super fun to snuggle.
Playing with all the toys.
- Waving — Nope. Not yet.
- Preference of right or left hand — Not that I have noticed
- Stranger anxiety — Sort of. He doesn't seem to be upset if I'm still in the room.
- Responding to simple commands — Nope
- Grasping small objects with thumb and index finger — Check!
- Becoming attached to a lovey — He has his rocket bees (blanket covered in rocket ships). Give him the choice of that one and his exact same material but different colored blanket and he picks the bis every time.
- Pulling up at furniture or even standing on his own — He's very slowly starting to pull up, but only when he;s sitting on me.
Beach day!
Out and About: We've had a few activities since the twins arrived. The day of, the littles had a playdate at a friend's house. We also hit the library, the Oakland Zoo, Half Moon Bay Beach, and lots of errands. Plus Quentin rode the Bart for the first time on a trip into San Francisco to visit the Asian Art Museum.
I got this look most of the day
Running away at the beach
Next up on the TBR Pile: