Quentin at 5 months:
- quite the momma's boy.
- a belly laugher (so adorable)
- in love with his big brother
- can roll over and is starting to scoot around
- can almost sit up
- getting close to have a tooth
- wears 6-9 month onsies and pants; 9-12 month sleepers
- almost grown out of his infant carseat (too tall!)
- loves being outside
- reaches for my food (probably starting baby led weaning in a week or so...)
- plays with his toys; his favorites being taggie monster and sophie
- loves to snuggle with his big fuzzy blankie
- can get hangry really fast!
Hanging with big brother
Loves to take selfies!
One of the brothers
Two wild and crazy boys
Starting to scoot around
Hello Q
Such a silly pose
A beautiful smile
Almost sitting up by himself
Selfie with mom on the stream train