Somebody is 4 months old this week! Silly bug!
Why so serious?
Likes: Toys (anything that makes a noise when he grabs it), being outside, Arthur, snuggles
Hey Q
Dislikes: Not being fed immediately, loud noises
Little smiles
Big laughs
Sleeping: We've settled into a decent routine of bedtime around 9pm, sleeping until at least 2am, and then back down until 6 or 7am. Daytime naps just don't really happen on any schedule.
Coming to get me!
Eating: Big eater right now! Wonder if this means he's gearing up for a growth spurt.
Grumpy selfie
Playing: He's really starting to manipulate toys and grab things. So cute to watch him "play" with things now.
Loving the play mat
Brother play time
Doctor Visit Stats: Q had his 4 month check up this morning. Three shots and one oral vaccine. He was a champ. Only cried for about two minutes and then was fine after some snuggles. I have a long long little boy. Stats:
- Height: 26 3/4" (97th percentile)
- Weight: 16 lbs. 12 oz. (74th percentile)
Won't let go of mommy
While Arthur rode his bike
Milestones: Officially rolling over and scooting in circles.
His new friend Tigger
Living with the gorillas (not so sure about it...)
Schedule: We've settled into a pattern of just trying to listen to Q's cues. No really schedule other than bedtime.
Getting ready for bed
He was talking to his baby until I tried to snap a pic...
Out and About: This past week we got outside for a few activities. Multiple times we accompanied Arthur when he went to "ride" his bike. We're still working on it. On Thursday, we joined friends at the Bay Area Discovery Museum. So much fun! On Saturday we had brunch at the Black Bear Diner.
Brunch selfie
Always staring at Arthur