Title: Fantastic Planets, Forbidden Zones, and Lost Continents: The 100 Greatest Science Fiction Films
Author: Douglas Brode
Publisher: University of Texas Press 2015
Genre: Nonfiction - Movies
Pages: 411
Rating: 4/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Perpetual (NonAd); Nonfiction; 52 Books - W24
Whether you judge by box office receipts, industry awards, or critical accolades, science fiction films are the most popular movies now being produced and distributed around the world. Nor is this phenomenon new. Sci-fi filmmakers and audiences have been exploring fantastic planets, forbidden zones, and lost continents ever since George Méliès’ 1902 film A Trip to the Moon. In this highly entertaining and knowledgeable book, film historian and pop culture expert Douglas Brode picks the one hundred greatest sci-fi films of all time.
Picked this up from the new books shelf at the library. While J and I debated some of the choices on the Top 100 list, it was a very entertaining read. In reality, we've got into a few debates owing to our fairly extensive scifi movie experience. I loved all the tidbits about how the movie got made, influences, and trivia. Very enjoyable read for the past few days. Plus we've made a list of those movies we've somehow not seen before.