Wading Through...

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Currently #4

Watching: Obsessed with The Bachelor right now. Watching it on free Hulu, so I'm a week behind. Trying to avoid any spoilers for the current week.

Reading: Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs. Finishing out the Miss Peregrine trilogy finally. The library had it on the Lucky Day shelf so I grabbed it quickly!

Listening: J downloaded the Hamilton soundtrack and it's still on repeat...

Making: The design team admins put up the schedule for March and April. My goal is to finish out my cards for those two months before leaving for Indiana on the 16th.

Feeling: There's some big news brewing in our household. I'll let you know once everything is set, but I'm super excited.

Planning: The retreat is happening in two weeks. I'm finalizing the last little details and shopping for food.

Loving: Grabbed some awesome ginger beer at the store last week. Now I am obsessed with it.