Title: Coffee Nerd: How to Have Your Coffee and Drink It Too
Author: Ruth Brown
Publisher: Adams Media 2015
Genre: Nonfiction - Popular Culture; Food
Pages: 206
Rating: 3/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Perpetual (Nonfiction Adventure); Nonfiction; 52 Books 0 W8
Ever wonder what goes into making the perfect cup of coffee? There's more to it than you think, and a new breed of coffee nerds has transformed the cheap, gritty sludge your parents drink into the coolest food trend around, with an obsessive commitment to sourcing, roasting, and preparation that has taken the drink to delicious new heights.
Coffee Nerd details the history behind the beans and helps you navigate the exciting and sometimes intimidating new wave of coffee. From finding obscure Japanese brewing equipment to recipes and techniques for brewing amazing coffee at home, you'll increase your geek cred--and discover a whole new world of coffee possibilities.
Mom bought me this book as a stocking stuffer for Christmas. Overall, it was an enjoyable little volume detailing the ins and outs of coffee. I learned a lot about the different types of coffee and growing regions. I even learned more about what makes a good cup of coffee. My only issue with the book was that at times Brown got a little too high and mighty for my tastes. She definitely implies and a few times, states that to not seek out local roasters and brewers, you don't actually like coffee. I do like coffee, but sometimes I don't have the time or energy to make the perfect cup. And that's okay in my book. Still a interesting little book.