Wading Through...

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Currently #3

Watching: Reign. Finally catching up with the second season. I watched three episodes back-to-back the other night while J was on a conference call. Such a guilty pleasure, but I love it.

Reading: Just started Impulse by Candace Camp and finishing up A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking. With these two books I've exceed by stated TBR for February. Woohoo!

Listening: Lots of podcasts, but I've specifically been diving back into Elise Gets Crafty.

Making: Working on January's Project Life pages for tomorrow's craft blog post. Only a few pages for this past month, but I'm loving the embellishments.

Feeling: After being so sick for most of the month, I'm feeling so much better! Here's hoping the healthy state continues.

Planning: I had a basic meal plan laid out for January, February, and March, but I need to buckle down and get some details.

Loving: Been craving iced tea all this past week. So yum!