I'm joining this year to help organize all those nagging blogging tasks. I've been attempting to create my master to-do list. It's a bit long, but I guess that's the point. I need to have a large wish list of tasks to finish out. Here's what I have so far:
- Finish the rest of my Blog-Tember posts (Day 18, 22, 28, 29, 30)
- Update reading challenges totals on blog, in notebook, and for RC Update #3 post
- Update TBR Pile page
- Fix any gaps in Reviews pages
- Start 2016 TBR list; prep draft page
- Start 2016 TBR jar
- Tweak About Me page – here and at craft blog
- Update Blogs I Love page — double check Bloglovin’
- Update Current Book Wish List
- Prep/draft Music Monday posts through 2015
- Prep/draft Fashion Friday posts through 2015
- Prep/draft TTT posts through 2015
- Prep/draft Thursday posts through 2015
- Prep/draft Sunday Sunset posts through 2015
- Create Fall into Books Readathon TBR pile, update posts, goal post
- Record/trash/write random drafts — here and at craft blog
- Add Holiday Catalog to sidebar
- Prep/draft SU News posts through 2015
- Prep/draft Sunday Haul posts through 2015
- Update Other Crafty People — double check Bloglovin’
- Update/layout Day Zero Projects for rest of 2015
- Update Music Monday spreadsheet
- Check any broken links
- Create a watermark for pictures
- Prep review drafts for rest of 2014 scheduled reading
- Plan out October SSINK projects
- Plan out craft projects for rest of 2015
- Update upcoming classes page
- Plan out/post craft classes through 2015 (meetup)
- Update chalkboard calendar for October
- Update Evernote calendars
- Create Evernote calendars for 2016