Title: Total Eclipse (Weather Wardens #9)
Author: Rachel Caine
Publisher: Roc 2010
Genre: Paranormal
Pages: 305
Rating: 4/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Seriously Series; Mount TBR; Fall into Reading;
How I Got It: I own it
Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin, her husband, the djinn David, and the Earth herself have been poisoned by a substance that destroys the magic that keeps the world alive. The poison is destabilizing the entire balance of power, bestowing magic upon those who have never had it, and removing it form those who need it. It's just a matter of time before the delicate balance of nature explodes into chaos-and doom.
Holy crap! What a way to end the series! I sped through this volume on the edge of my seat. I couldn't wait to see how Joanne got herself of the end-of-the-world situation she got herself into. The volume did not disappoint. Like most of of the books in the series, this one hits the ground running. The action starts right away and never stops. I loved that! We get a whirlwind of activity and yet we still connect to the characters. I loved seeing some of the side characters reappear, but glad that Caine focused on our main group. I was even satisfied with the ending and epilogue. Usually I hate epilogues, but this one was nice. Overall, I really liked this series. The middle books meander a bit from the main story arc, but everything gets back on track for a couple of explosive books at the end.
Weather Warden: