Completed today:
- Make review templates for books in TBR piles -- I added all the books that I plan on reading through the rest of 2013. Not a huge amount of book review templates, but a few to get ready to read and review.
Look back at my large goals list:
- Clean up various pages (About; Quotes; Blogs; Review Policy; Thankfuls; RCs)
- Check any broken links
- Reinsert missing pictures on past blog posts
- Update tags for old posts and drafts/scheduled
- Prep templates/posts through December
- Update Day Zero Project (page and actual website)
- Clean out Bloglovin'
- Make review templates for books in TBR piles
- Prep 2014 feature ideas -- write templates, samples, create badges, etc
- Update Music Monday spreadsheet
- Update series to book reviews with links to my reviews
- Update Movies spreadsheet
- List/organize 2014 TBR
- Update TBR spreadsheets
- Fix formats on selected old blog posts
- Digital Decluttering Challenge from Books A True Story (added)
- Add book summaries to older posts(added)
Obviously I didn't finish all my tasks, but I made some serious progress. I plan on keeping with my goals list throughout this next week.