What I Did Today:
- Reinsert missing pictures on past blog posts -- Many many images later, I am finished with this task.
- Fix formats on selected old blog posts -- With the transition last December and the transition to a new hosting site this past month, some of my posts are formatting strangely. I thought I would clean these up. They were mostly old posts, but I still want to get them clean looking.
- Digital Decluttering Challenge
- Update series to book reviews with links to my reviews -- Mainly I had just a few series to update
- Add book summaries to older posts -- I didn't start consistently adding book summaries to my reviews before 2012. So, I thought while I was fixing formats, pictures, and series, I should add some of those missing summaries.
- Digital Decluttering from Books A True Story: Goal #2 Declutter by deleting at least 10 files you no longer need. -- Taking a look at my downloads folder, I have 143 items listed. Most of those were book and movie covers that I downloaded to upload to my blog. Obviously they are aren't needed. Once I sorted through the mess, I got down to deleting... and found myself with 22 remaining files. I deleted 121 files from my downloads folder. Woohoo! I love cleaning (at least digitally cleaning).
Remaining goals list:
- Update tags for old posts and drafts/scheduled
- Prep templates/posts through December
- Clean out Bloglovin'
- Make review templates for books in TBR piles
- Prep 2014 feature ideas -- write templates, samples, create badges, etc
- List/organize 2014 TBR
- Update TBR spreadsheets