Continuing the meme, here's Day 8...
Day 8: Quick! Write 15 bullet points of things that appeal to you on blogs!
- A witty voice (or sarcastic, or just unusual)
- Fun graphics
- Good blog design -- not too cluttered or cutsy
- Posts other than WOW, In My Mailbox, or Book Tours
- Personal posts -- they don't have to be about your personal life, but I tire of reading something that sounds like a publishing house put it together
- Interesting memes -- Top Ten Tuesday participants, for example
- Fun challenges (personal or web wide reading challenges)
- Good grammar
- Fun gifs (I'm a sucker for animal ones)
- At least some books in common with me -- they don't have to agree with my thoughts, but I like some overlap with reading interests
I can't think of any other good ones, so 10 will have to suffice.