Pages read today: 199 (The Forgotten Garden) + 292 (Terror by Night) + 16 (Firestorm)
Pages read total: 2113
Time read today: 5 hours 41 minutes
Time read total: 22 hours 13 minutes
Comments: I'm so excited about my progress this week. I finished some great books (The Forgotten Garden, Gone Girl) and knocked a few books off my list. Plus, my total pages read and time read are huge! Lots of fun!
- Read 5 books √
- Review all books read √
- Read an average of 2 hours a day √
- Read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress √
My TBR Pile:
- The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein
- Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
- The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton
- 300 by Frank Miler
- Stories of Hans Christian Anderson
- Terror by Night by Ambrose Bierce
- Cowboys vs. Aliens (added)
- Windfall by Rachel Caine (added)
- Firetorm (added -- in progress)