Instead of daily posts, I thought it would be a lot easier for me and you if I did weekly update posts. These will track my progress each week. I will highlight what I’ve done, what I want to do, and any interesting tidbits. Sometimes I’ll add pictures and/or links. Hopefully these posts will keep me accountable to me list…
What I Did
5. Make a playlist of my favorite 101 songs -- Slowly working through the songs to narrow the list down. I hope to have Music Monday posts highlighting these starting in January.
9. See 101 new movies (75/101)
- The Expendables -- Thank goodness it was free on Netflix. A movie that takes itself way too seriously.
- Battleship -- Just a crazy action film. No substance, but still pretty fun.
- Iron Sky -- Nazis from the ark side of the moon... hee hee. Loved it!
- Snow White and the Huntsman -- So much better than Mirror, Mirror. Loved the supporting cast, especially Charlize Theron.
- Chronicle -- Awesome movie. We like to think of it was what Episodes 1-3 should have been.
- Rock of Ages -- Cheesy, but Tom Cruise was awesome!
- Tucker and Dale vs. Evil -- Way too funny! Laughed my ass off.
12. See all of IMDB’s Top 250 movies (24/250) -- I forgot to notate these for the last few months, so I'm doing it now. These are all movies I rewatched.
- 132. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two
- 181. How to Train Your Dragon
- 131. The Wizard of Oz
- 194. The Princess Bride
- 108. Die Hard
- 75. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- 101. Up
- 57. Lawrence of Arabia
- 124. Snatch
20. Reread all of Jane Austen’s novels (2/6)
24. Keep a journal for this project
27. Make a list of 101 inspirational quotes (61/101)
28. Blog 1001 times -- 38 for this period (620/1001)
32. Finish 30 reading challenges (16/30)
- Zombie Reading Challenge -- Another 24 books read for this year!
35.Join or create a book club -- Randomly a crafter friend asked if I wanted to be in a new book club with some fellow crafters. Of course I said yes! Which gave me three days to get and read our first book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. We are going to meet every month. Books choices will be presented by the month's "Host" and voted on by the group. For December we're reading The Lost Summer of Louisa May Alcott. I'm really excited to read and discuss some new books!
71. Donate 100,000 grains of rice on (2040/100,000)
What I Plan to Do Next Week.
19. Complete The Artist’s Way -- The local library has a copy. I plan to pick it up this week and make my preliminary plan.
Overall Progress