I came across Stitch Fix on Loop Looks (check her out!). For $20 a shipment, you get a personalized style pack of five items. Then, you try everything on and decide to keep 1, 2, 3, 4, or all 5 items. The $20 stylist fee is credited to your purchase. And if you buy all five items, you get an extra 25% off. The company is currently in beta, but I was lucky enough to get an invite.
My last Stitch Fix didn't go so well. I didn't like anything and sent the entire box back. I decided to try again after my health debacles. I had butterflies in my stomach in anticipation of what goodies I would find after opening. And I wasn't disappointed.
Here's what I got this time... (Ignore the horrid quality iPhone photos)
Item #1: Striped scarf
Pros: So soft! Beautiful design.
Cons: I live in California (and not the cold part). If I bought this, I would have limited chances to wear it.
Item #2: Navy pintuck blouse
Pros: Loved the fit. Loved the color. Easy to dress up or dress down.
Cons: Just a bit short.
Item #3: Purple silk blouse
Pros: The color!!!! Beautiful color for a shirt.
Cons: Silk is hard to care for. Overall it's a bit short.
Item #4: Cream tank top
Pros: Nothing, hated it.
Cons: Short, tight in weird places, don't like the look.
Item #5: Cream ruched cardigan
Pros: Very soft. Very comfortable. Easy to layer for cooler nights and warmer days.
Cons: The side ruching is a bit weird (but I could get used to this). The price is a bit much.
So, what did I keep?
Item #2 Navy pintuck blouse. I figure that I can add this into multiple outfits. And the cut is very flattering. Ignore the bad picture, it is beautiful.