Instead of daily posts, I thought it would be a lot easier for me and you if I did weekly update posts. These will track my progress each week. I will highlight what I’ve done, what I want to do, and any interesting tidbits. Sometimes I’ll add pictures and/or links. Hopefully these posts will keep me accountable to me list…
What I Did
5. Make a playlist of my favorite 101 songs -- I have almost completed getting all my music onto the server so I can start sorting through them to find my favorites...
9. See 101 new movies (58/101)
- The Dark Knight Rises -- I liked it, but it definitely had some drawbacks and inconsistencies.
- The Decoy Bride -- Starring David Tennant. A cute little romantic comedy. Seen on netflix.
- God Bless America -- J has been wanting to watch Bobcat Goldthwait's new movie for awhile. Very dark but good.
- New Year's Eve -- romantic crap, but just the ticket sometimes
- Tonight You're Mine -- Awesome music romance... pick it up!
- Wanderlust -- I thought it was really funny, but then again I am in love with Paul Rudd
- John Carter -- An entertaining old style scifi movie
- The Raid: Redemption -- crazy action flick from Singapore. J just had to watch it. It was intense.
10. Spend a day in PJs watching movies -- I was feeling particularly crappy. Thankfully I needed to watch The Wizard of Oz and Tin Man for my book review and I added the mini series Lost in Austen for a bit of fun. √
12. See all of IMDB's Top 250 movies (14/250)
- 113. Batman Begins -- in preparation for going to see The Dark Knight Rises we had to rewatch the first two
- 9. The Dark Knight -- Thankfully we own both movies
20. Reread all of Jane Austen's novels (1/6) -- Finished Northanger Abbey as part of Austen in August event
24. Keep a journal for this project -- ongoing
28. Blog 1001 times -- 35 times this period. Not a huge amount, but a respectable number. (523/1001)
32. Finish 30 reading challenges (12/30)
- YA Challenge -- I didn't read all the books I wanted to for this one, but I did have some great substitues.
33. Read my height in books (65/68in.)
37. Pass 250,000 pages read for my 1,000,000 pages challenge (84,418/250,000)
65. Save $5 for every task completed ($65)
72. Complete "50 Questions that Free Your Mind" (34/50)
100. Scrapbook 100 pages (100/100) -- completed, but I'm still behind on my scrapbooking...
What I Plan to Do Next Week.
17. Reread all of the Harry Potter books (6/7)
35. Join or create a book club -- Still waiting to find a good one.
72. Complete “50 Questions that Free Your Mind” (20/50) -- I'm getting through them very slowly
Overall Progress