Instead of daily posts, I thought it would be a lot easier for me and you if I did weekly update posts. These will track my progress each week. I will highlight what I’ve done, what I want to do, and any interesting tidbits. Sometimes I’ll add pictures and/or links. Hopefully these posts will keep me accountable to me list…
What I Did
22. Keep a journal for this project — Obviously an ongoing goal. I got a beautiful black soft cover journal to use. I am determined to journal at least a bit each day.
19. Blog 1001 times — 11 posts for the last week (57/1001)
32. Read my height in books — This week’s height: 1.5 in (11/68 in.)
31. Finish 30 reading challenges -- Graphic Novel Challenge finished (2/30)
72. Complete “50 Questions that Free Your Mind” -- You can read my answers to questions #1-5 here. (5/50)
100. Scrapbook 100 pages -- Catching up on my backlog. I'm finally up to Jan. 2011. (15/100)
What I Plan to Do Next Week
More of the same. Plus I want to start on my homemade Christmas cards and inspiration quotes.
Monthly Goal
None. A breather month to adjust to the plan and my new work schedule.
Overall Progress
3 / 101