From On a Book Bender:
Due to popular demand, we are going to have another Bout of Books read-a-thon. I took the feedback that I received after the first Bout of Books read-a-thon, and have made some changes to see if they work better.
- Bout of Books will run from 12:01am 10/24 through 11:59 pm 10/30 (your time zone)
- Read as much as you can whenever you can. I know that this Bout of Books is close on the heels of the Dewey Read-a-Thon; this was an oversight on my part, but if you plan on reading AT ALL, please sign up. The only person you are competing against here is yourself. There is no pressure.
- Bout of Books should be about networking with fellow bloggers in addition to reading. You were going to read that week anyway, right? Bout of Books gives you the opportunity to share your reading experience with other readers.
- Use #boutofbooks on Twitter to update people on your progress and what you are reading. Feel free to follow me (@BookBender) and your co-hosts (links to follow) for Bout of Books information, but please do NOT @ me (or the co-hosts) with all your updates. This happened during the last Bout of Books, and it was unnecessary and flooded people’s timelines. Using #boutofbooks should suffice. I will try to repopulate the Bout of Books Twitter list.
- Sign-up (beginning 10/6), the master list of participants, official schedule (up by 10/20?), and wrap-up post will all be here on my blog. I will also give people the opportunity to post their read-a-thon goals and possible books to read. My Bout of Books “starting line” post will go up on 10/22.
- Each day during Bout of Books has a different co-host. They are in charge for the day, and will offer you a place for you to share your daily progress if you wish as well as a challenge. Please note that co-hosting is an experiment and I am hoping you will give me feedback at the end of the Bout of Books regarding your experience.
- Your co-hosts (with blog and Twitter links) and the tentative challenge schedule are as follows:
10/24: Shirley @ Creative Deeds (@creativedeeds) — Guess the Love Triangle Challenge
10/25: Darla @ D for Darla’s Definite Reads (@DforDarla) — Dream Cast: Book to Movie Challenge
10/26: Joli @ Actin’ Up with Books (@ActinUpwb) — Book Spine Poetry Challenge
10/27: Erin @ Let’s Evaluate — Guess the Cover Challenge
10/28: Jen @ Not Now…I’m Reading! (@NotNowImReading) — Match the UF sidekick with the hero/heroine challenge
10/29: Christi @ Smitten with Reading (@ChristiSnow) — Bout of Books Babble Challenge (creating a haiku)
10/30: Vivienne @ Muse Books (@musesong) — Witchcraft in Popular Fiction Challenge
Of course I will be joining in. Dewey and then 2 days later Bout of Books! Very exciting reading events this October.