I just joined this amazing new (well new to me) project: 101/1001.
From Day Zero:
The Challenge: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).
Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple challenges such as New Year's resolutions or a 'Bucket List'. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips, study semesters, or outdoor activities.
Who runs this website? The Day Zero Project was created by New Zealander, Michael Green.
I have started my project list today (September 20, 2011). As part of my list, I thought it would be better to break it down into categories. I will be updating my list (adding and notating completion) on a weekly basis. Here's my list of 101 things (broken down into categories):
Movies and Music
1. Go to 5 concerts
2. Visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland
3. Listen to 26 new bands (one for each letter of the alphabet)
4. Go to a music festival
5. Make a playlist of my favorite 101 songs
6. See all of IMDB's Top 250 movies
7. Have a Pixar marathon
8. See a movie at a drive-in
9. See a movie at an outdoor setting (not a drive-in)
10. Choose an actor/actress and see all their films
11. Watch 10 foreign films
12. Watch all the James Bond movies
13. Have a zombie movie marathon
14. Spend a day in PJs watching movies
15. See 101 new movies
Writing and Books
16. Keep a "Six Words to Describe the Day" journal for 6 months
17. Write a letter to myself to be opened at the end of 1001 days
18. Make a list of 101 inspirational quotes
19. Blog 1001 times
20. Complete NaNoWriMo
21. Find 26 unfamiliar words (one for each letter of the alphabet) and use in a blog post
22. Keep a journal for this project
23. Finish 100 creative writing prompts
24. Buy a moleskine notebook
25. Write 1000 words a day for a month
26. Complete The Artist's Way
27. Spend an afternoon in the park reading
28. Reread all of the Harry Potter books
29. Reread all of Jane Austen's novels
30. Read all the Booker Prize winning books
31. Finish 30 reading challenges
32. Read my height in books
33. Bookcross 20 books
34. Leave an inspirational note in a book to be found by someone else
35. Join or create a book club
36. Attend 3 literary events (not book club meetings)
37. Pass 250,000 pages read for my 1,000,000 pages challenge
Fashion, Body, Food, and Health
38. Buy a Little Black Dress
39. Get a full body massage
40. Buy a business suit
41. Get laser eye surgery
42. Buy a vintage dress
43. Throw away all my underwear and start again
44. Have a facial
45. Have manicure or pedicure
46. Take a yoga class
47. Eat only raw food for a day
48. Meditate every day for a month
49. Complete the 200 squat challenge
50. Go pick berries
51. Make 10 different types of cupcakes
52. Eat an apple a day for a month
53. Host a wine and cheese party
54. Host a regressive dinner party
55. Try 30 new recipes
56. Go on a preplanned picnic
57. Take a cooking class
58. Build a gingerbread house
59. Have a candlelit dinner
60. Tae a brewery tour
61. Make homemade salsa
62. Host a tea party
63. Host a homemade pizza party
64. Get a piggy bank
65. Give money to a street musician
66. Save $5 for every task completed
67. Sell something on eBay
68. Tip 100%
69. Cash in my change jar
70. Don't spend any money for a week
71. Donate 100,000 grains of rice on freerice.com
Personal Development
72. Complete "50 Questions that Free Your Mind"
73. Take an IQ test
74. Learn to say "I love You" in 10 languages
75. Learn to make an origami crane
76. Make 100 homemade cards
77. Complete a soduku puzzle
78. Take 26 photos of things that inspire me (one for each letter of the alphabet)
79. Take a college class for fun
80. Do a 3-5 km walk
81. Get a passport
82. Make a wish at 11:11 on November 11, 2011
Activities, Travel, and Events
83. Stay at a Bed and Breakfast
84. Attend Mardi Gras
85. Celebrate St. Patrick's Day in a Irish pub
86. Participate in a flash mob or zombie walk
87. Go hiking or horseback riding
88. Go canoeing or kayaking
89. Build a snowman
90. Jump into a pile of leaves
91. Fly a kite
92. Play Bingo in a Bingo hall
93. Go ice Skating
94. Participate in or create a scavenger hunt
95. Visit 5 museums
96. See the opera, orchestra, or theatre production
97. Complete a coloring book
98. Take pictures in a photo booth
99. Send 10 postcards with postcrossing.com
100. Scrapbook 100 pages
101. Send flowers to a friend just because
I am so exciting to be starting this challenge!!!