Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists This week the topic is "Top Ten Reasons I Love Being a Book Blogger / Bookish Person." Since there are technically two topics in there, I thought I would split my list in two Top Fives!
Reasons I Love Being a Bookish Person
1. New Worlds -- How else could I travel to 14th century Scotland? Or a world of wizards and trolls? Or Wonderland where everything is always just a bit off? Books offer me a way to travel without ever leaving home or more importantly spending all that money.
2. Way to Satisfy My Zombie Addiction -- I love zombies, as I'm sure anyone whose read my blog has figured out. Unless the zombie apocalypse were to happen soon, I don't think I'll be able to encounter any zombies. Even so, I wouldn't actually want to encounter a zombie. So instead, I get to read about them in books.
3. Inspiration for Writing -- Every writer needs an inspiration. I find mine in fiction. It fills my mind and eventually filters into my dreams. From there, I create new stories from the ideas.
4. Comfort/friend -- I've at least hinted at some of the problems I've had lately with the concept of friends. To that end, books have always been there for me. They have been a source of comfort, humor, every emotion. It's a great position.
5. Brain stimulation -- I have this fear of developing Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. It's not as crazy of a fear as you might think. They both run on at least one side of my family. Although there is no cure for either disease, the research suggests brain stimulation may help slow down the progression.
Reasons I Love Being a Book Blogger
1. New Friends -- Although I have only physically met two of the bloggers that I follow (full disclosure: I knew them from before we all blogged), I enjoyed the correspondence with many new people. It's a great tool for socializing, but one that doesn't force me to be someone I'm not. I'm a very shy person in general and hate being thrust into social situations where I have to meet new people. Blogging allows for a level of safety.
2. Accountability -- With the sheer fact of not knowing most of the people who follow my blog, I have no reason to lie. I am me. I am who I am on my blog. I don't hide any part of myself. I keep some of the details of life private, but the public areas are not lies.
3. New Topics -- I love reading about new ideas. For example, I follow a primarily comic book blogger. I have just started reading comics (pushed by J of course) and this particular blogger's ideas are of great interest to me. I'm not reading things I already knew. I am learning new. The same goes for all the technology blogs I now follow.
4. Additions to My TBR List -- I love getting new suggestions for reading books. I love it so much that I now have over 1000 suggestions. It's getting a bit out of hand, but I still love reading about new ones.
5. Place to Write -- I've started on a new endeavor as of late. I want to write. I don't know exactly what I want to write, but I know I want to write. And now I have a place to write. And I have critics. I've always been a bit apprehensive about showing my writing to anyone. Blogging offers me a safe place to show my writing and getting feedback. Thanks for everyone who has commented on my few pieces. I hope to be writing more soon.