Do you ever feel like you’re in a reading rut? That you don’t read enough variety? That you need to branch out, spread your literary wings and explore other genres, flavors, styles?
Most definitely. I get on reading kicks and can't stop. A couple of months ago, I started reading Christian historical romance and just kept reading. Even after I stopped enjoying the genre. I also go through different life phases. In high school I read basically the classics of literature. In college, I turned back to horror (Anne Rice mostly). I tend to pick up a book and if I love it, I get more by that author and/or more just like it. Sometimes this can be turn tiresome. I find myself not really paying attention to what I'm reading. Maybe because it's the same style or even the same story. I have to break myself out of the rut.
That's why my blog and reading challenges are amazing; they are helping me branch out. Sure I'm still reading a lot of what I already love, but I'm learning to try new genres and new authors. Without the reading challenges, I would not have picked up The Monsters of Templeton by Lauren Groff. But I did, and I loved it! It's also turned me on some great books within the genres I love such as The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan (zombies).
Now I just need to fix my time rut. I never feel like I have enough hours in a day to read. And when I schedule time to read, sometimes I feel like it's a chore instead of a joy. Need to work on that rut!