Caution: This post is rated R for language!
It's the first Monday of the month. Happy May! I thought I would do something a little different today. Usually I highlight an artist that I'm currently loving. And usually they are fairly new. Today, I would like to highlight one of my high school favorites: The Offspring. Specifically "Smash." Back in the late 90s, I was in high school. To kick start our day (I took various people to and from school) I made a mix tape (yes an actual mix tape) with our favorite "get up and moving" songs. Track #1 was The Offspring "Smash." The title track from their 1994 album came into my life somewhere around 1997, and I instantly loved it. The general teen angst, hard guitars, and sing-a-long lyrics. Everything I wanted in high school. You probably wouldn't know it from my earlier Music Monday posts, but back in high school (and really even now) I had a love of crazy rock. I actually saw The Offspring in Indianapolis around 2000 (can't remember the exact date, but I'm pretty sure I was at Ball State). It was definitely after the Americana album. They were so funny! Definitely didn't expect that but loved it all the same Enjoy my trip down memory lane!
Extra video: "Bad Habit" live at the Billboard Awards 1994. Another mix tape entry. Love how they changed the words for the broadcast. Pretty funny if you know the actual song! In retrospect, singing this, windows down, driving my 1998 Hyundai Accent is absolutely hilarious!
P.S. Did you know that Dexter Holland has a Master's in Molecular Biology from USC? Crazy smart!