Okay this week's Top Ten Tuesday topic was Mean Girls in Books. I really tried. I tried to go through the books in my library, my list favorites, my lists of classics, and I could not find enough mean girls to fill up a list. So today, I thought I would do my own Top Ten Tuesday. Today's topic: ME! Random facts about me.
1. I have a slight OCD when it comes to list-making. My mother thinks I'm crazy. My friends probably think I'm crazy. Others just deal with it. Making lists makes me feel better. It actually calms me down.
2. I currently have 8749 songs in my iTunes. That doesn't include the various cds that I haven't imported to my computer. I used to think that was a lot, but then I got a look at J's iTunes. Crazy!
3. I have another blog, New Athenian Academy, focusing on education issues. But I haven't posted there since February. I really want to get back to it, but am so not motivated.
4. As a child, I had a dog named Milkdud. Yep, that's right, like the candy. And I absolutely hate Milkduds!
5. I'm scared of getting Alzheimer's and/or Parkinson's. They both run in the family.
6. The twins are named Nicholas and Alexander. Yes the twins from Full House, but I swear I didn't do that on purpose. I wanted good strong, easy to pronounce and spell names. Alexander's name was changed at the last minjute from Daniel. I like Alexander better.
7. I have a slight scrapbooking addiction, but I haven't scrapped since probably November. I still love looking at the scrapbooking supplies. I really need to unsubscribe from the Archiver's e-newsletter. It's too much of a temptation.
8. In June, the boys, my mother, and I are going to DisneyWorld. I think I'm more excited than the boys. I haven't been there since I was ~10. I really, really, really want to go!
9. I am a groupie for a specific local cover band. But don't worry, I would never take any of them home. That would just be weird and wrong.
10. I am currently obsessed with watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Yeah I know pathetic, but I can't stop.