Earlier this week, I was sitting at the coffeehouse (where I live) and we started complaining about our coffeehouse pet peeves. So I thought I would do a Top Ten Coffeehouse Pet Peeves. (Had the inspiration from this week's Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Pet Peeves).
1. Blenders: My local has two blenders that are used for blended drinks and smoothies. That in it self, isn't a huge issue. I don't mind people ordering smoothies and blended drinks. I do have an issue with the volumes. These two blenders are blenders on steroids. They are so loud; I've never heard a blender this loud. And then they blend for what seems like forever... It goes on and on and on. God forbid it's a sunny 50 degree or more day. The smoothies and blenders come with every other customer. Sometimes they sound like a dentist's drill. Argh! Can't stand them.
2. Loud Ringtones: Why do people need to have their cell phones up to the highest level? Can you not hear? (If you are hard of hearing, I'm sorry, but I'm betting that 90% of people in the coffeehouse don't have hearing issues.) And then there are those people that don't answer their phones on the first one or two rings. They let it ring and ring and ring. Answer your phone! Very annoying. And the weirder the ringtone, the more annoying it is.
3. Taking Up Multiple Spots: At the back of the coffehouse is two couches and a side chair in a half circle. The other day two guys were sitting back there. Instead of taking up one couch or the chair and one spot of a couch, they were each sprawling on a couch. In reality, only the side chair is then open for someone to sit. And people kept walking back to see if the comfies were open only to find that the two guys were taking up the whole area. (And they were loud talkers!)
4. Loud Cell Phone Talkers: People have a normal speaking volume. We are loud enough to hear each other within a few feet, but not loud enough to hear across 20 feet. And then there are those people who answer the cell phone and their voices increase three old. I would hope that you have a decent cell phone that allows you to hear who you're talking to. If not, please get a new one. But I know that I don't have to yell into my cell phone for the person on the other end to hear me.
5. Wild Music Shifts: Most coffeehouses play some sort of music. That's fine. I like music. However, I don't like huge shifts in music genres. The other day we went from classic rock to classical to 90s r&b to singer songwriter. I was having music whiplash. Please pick a genre and stick with it for the day. The genre can change from day-to-day, but please not within the day.
6. Volume Up on Computers: Please don't have your volume up on your computers. I don't want to hear your music or the television show you're watching. That's why we invented headphones. Use them.
7. Wireless Access: Consistent wireless access would be nice. Alas not many places I've been have stable wireless. Very annoying to be in the middle of something and the internet crashes.
8. Slurping: Please use your manners and don't slurp the drinks. 'Nough said.
9. Not Enough Electrical Plugs: If you're offering wireless access, please have electrical plugs or at least power strips every few feet. Access is the key. Thankfully my coffeehouse has fixed the issue as of late.
10. Slamming Toilet Seats: The restrooms are the back of coffeehouse. And for what ever reason, the people at this coffeehouse always slam the toilet seats. You can hear it from the front of the shop. Annoying!
What are your coffeehouse pet peeves?