Wading Through...

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Reading: I’m rereading Circe by Madeline Miller for May’s Girly Book Club. I’m also finishing The Deep by Alma Katsu.

Watching: Continuing our May Movie Month. We just did a string of three YA scifi movies: The Darkest Minds (terrible), Mortal Engines (very pretty, but not great), and Alita: Battle Angel (confusing).

Listening: Lots of podcasts like usual, but I always make time for Corona Virus Daily from NPR.

Making: Working on various Project Life pages. I’m still finishing Arthur’s 2018 album, but have started the family 2019 album and the WITL 2019 album.

Feeling: Life with the teenagers has been pretty tense this past week. Not quite sure what’s going on right now, but hoping we can get to the bottom of this conflict soon.

Planning: Arthur is officially done with Kindergarten, but we’re not going to stop learning. As we cannot really visit various places, I’m setting up weekly theme units to get us through the summer. First up is Art History with lots of hands-on projects.

Loving: I picked up some stacks of rhubarb from the grocery and have really enjoyed the strawberry-rhubarb crumble I made from them.