Reading: Simply Love by Mary Balogh. Needing a bit of fluffy romance for this week...
Watching: J and I finally dove into Ken Burns's The National Parks. Really enjoying it, but man these episodes of long.
Listening: Lots of podcasts, but specifically enjoying Pod Save America this week.
Making: Registered for 30 Days of Lists in September, so I'm busy pulling my Project Life cards to decorate and use. I've pulled the cards, now on tot he decorating.
Feeling: Started getting sick this weekend. Now I have a full blown cold.
Planning: Fall Bingo Party is coming quickly! I need to finish putting the final touches on the make n takes and prize bundles.
Loving: It's Bout of Books 20! And I'm sick, so not really running out for activities. It's the perfect week to read a ton and thankfully I've picked some good books.