Watching: J and I have been watching all the movies while home with the new baby. This past week we've watched Ghostbusters, Independence Day 2, and Captain America Civil War.
Reading: In the newborn haze and I can't deal with heavy books. So I turned to fluffy romances read on my iPad.
Listening: Q is a big talker already. He loves making little noises while awake.
Making: Q is constantly eating. Hence, making tons of bottles.
Feeling: One week out from a c-section and I'm feeling sore, but improving. Every day I feel like I'm gaining more movement and energy.
Planning: Sending J and the toddler to the grocery store to stock up, but need to make the meal plan and grocery list.
Loving: Oh my! I forgot how much I love newborn snuggles. Q loves to burrow into my side and sleep during the day. I can't do it all the time, but I do love a few minutes of snuggles.