Wading Through...

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2016 Goals and Resolutions

Let's take a look back at 2015's goals and resolutions and my progress:

  1. Get crafting classes up and running — I ran my first successful stamp club through the summer and fall. I loved it!
  2. Shop from my stash — I did a decent job shopping from my stash this past year!
  3. Participate in card making challenges — I participated in a few here and there. Decent progress on this one.
  4. Keep up with my 2015 Project Life albums — I finally updated the twins scrapbooks to the present day. And Arthur and the family album are to present day.
  5. Make gifts monthly — Totally failed at this goal.
  6. Branch out with new styles, technology, and products — I stretched myself to learn some new techniques and branch out with my style.
  7. Fully organize my new craft space — Success!
  8. Make at least 50 Pinterest inspired crafts — I probably didn't make 50 non-card crafts, but I did make a fair amount.
  9. Plan Arthur’s 2nd birthday party during the summer — Done! And it was a success!
  10. Create a play area with crafty elements — I didn't really make much for the play area, but it was organized and changed when needed.

Now on to 2016's goals and resolutions:

  1. Keep up with Stamp Club and card classes -- I'm going to attempt to start another stamp club round in January. Hoping to keep it moving. Also need to focus on a variety of class offerings to hopefully gain some more customers.
  2. Complete another Week in the Life album -- I love doing it in August 2015. I hope to complete one in 2016 either as a separate album or included in my regular PL album.
  3. Drop my Messy Box subscription, sign up for a planner kit subscription -- I've enjoyed getting the Messy Box kit this past year, but I don't seem to use as much of the products as i would like. My subscription is up in March. I'm going to drop that one and subscribe to something more Planner specific. Still deciding which one to subscribe to...
  4. Ban on buying PL cards (core kits, mini kits, partials, or theme kits) -- I have so many! I do not need any more!
  5. Curate my crafty Pinterest boards -- They are getting a bit out of hand. I need to do some curating, crafting, and deleting.
  6. Make 150 different cards -- I did a great job in 2015 making different designed cards. Now I want to continue the trend.
  7. Continue my 2016 PL albums -- Still in love with PL style scrapbooking. Hope to continue staying current in 2016.