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Day in the Life: Winter

Lots of other bloggers do Day in the Life posts and I thought it was time for me to join them. Committing to once a month seems way too ambitious, so I decided on once a quarter. Randomly I have chosen the 11th of February, May, August, and November as my days. February 11th was a Wednesday. Usually Wednesday is our errand, grocery, and playground day. However this Wednesday shaped up a little differently. So here go:

7:00am -- Wake up time. Usually we wake anywhere from 6am to 8am. Just depends on the day. Here's the gorgeous view from my bathroom.

After waking, I immediately took a shower. The baby was still sleeping so it was the perfect time. I usually check the weather. Looks like a nice day.

7:30am -- Good morning Arthur! Once out of the crib, he runs around his room for awhile while I pick out some clothes. I get hm dressed and we head downstairs.

8:00am -- Breakfast time! I can usually grab a few minutes to check email while the baby eats his own breakfast.

Today I had to do the dinner prep right after breakfast. We were planning on pot roast so that involves searing the meat, cutting vegetables, and putting everything in a crockpot.

8:30am -- Arthur and I headed out to the park for a little playtime. Usually we drop J off at the BART station, but he had a conference call from 7-10. Instead of taking him in the morning, Arthur and I left for a bit.

9:30am -- After the park, we headed to Trader Joe's to pick up a few retreat goodies and lunch for next week.

11:00am -- When we arrived back home, J was just finishing his call. He showered, dressed, and readied to leave. We decided to grab some lunch at Boulevard Burger. Good burger. Arthur enjoyed his grilled cheese, fries, and grapes.

12:00pm -- After dropping J off, we headed across the street to the library. We haven't had a chance to get a library card yet and this seemed the perfect day to do so. Took just 10 minutes to apply for one. Before leaving, we grabbed a few new children's books for the week.

1:00pm -- Back home for nap time. Arthur went down easily and slept for two hours. During his nap, I managed to finish making my February swap card. I also did a bit of housekeeping and read a few blog posts.

3:00pm -- After Arthur woke up, I vacuumed the house while he played. Not that exciting, but usual for a typical Wednesday. He played some more and we eventually settled in for an episode of Sesame Street.

5:30pm -- Dinner time! We ate. By the time we finished, it was time to go pick up J at the station. From there, the rest of the night was a whirlwind. Usually is... J ate while I gave Arthur a bath and got him dressed for bed. We hung out for a bit before Arthur went to bed. Then J and I watched a few episodes of Star Trek before I headed to bed at 10pm.

Another day in the books.