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Winter Bucket List Finish Line

And on to 2020! Let’s start the year off right with some fun and some organization! 8/20 completed

  1. Read 45 books - So close! I’ve read 41 books so far this year.

  2. Plan and execute a fun Valentine’s Day Party ✓

  3. Buy and Complete a jigsaw puzzle - Bought one, haven’t actually put it together yet due to moving.

  4. New house vision board ✓

  5. Eat at 5 new-to-me restaurants 1/5

    • Plank Seafood - For my birthday day out!

  6. Attend a theater performances

  7. Movie Month February

  8. Weekly Game Day/Night ✓

  9. Make a seasonal door hanger/wreath ✓

  10. Swim at the gym 5 times 1/5

  11. Have an indoor picnic

  12. Host a craft day

  13. Plan a weekend getaway ✓ - Working on planning a reading retreat for June.

  14. Visit a new-to-the-boys museum

  15. Spend an afternoon at a local bookstore

  16. Make ice cream sundaes

  17. DIY Spa Night

  18. Buy fresh flowers biweekly ✓

  19. Go mini-golfing

  20. Make a new dessert

Next up on the TBR pile: