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The Terraformers by Annalee Newitz

Title: The Terraformers

Author: Annalee Newitz

Publisher: Tor Books 2023

Genre: Science Fiction

Pages: 338

Rating: 3/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Library Love; Lifetime - Intergenerational

Where I Got It: Library

Destry's life is dedicated to terraforming Sask-E. As part of the Environmental Rescue Team, she cares for the planet and its burgeoning eco-systems as her parents and their parents did before her.

But the bright, clean future they're building comes under threat when Destry discovers a city full of people that shouldn’t exist, hidden inside a massive volcano.

As she uncovers more about their past, Destry begins to question the mission she's devoted her life to, and must make a choice that will reverberate through Sask-E's future for generations to come.

Goodness, I had such high hopes for this one. I was intrigued by the initial chapters. I wanted to learn so much more about how this world actually works. I was intrigued by the mysterious underground city. I wanted to follow along with Destry’s life. Unfortunately the story completely changed with a huge time jump. I was very annoyed to leave my characters behind for a whole new cast. I also felt like the messages became much more simplistic and reductive. I would have liked a more nuanced message and story. I know that our book club discussion will be great full of interesting opinions and insights.

Next up on the TBR pile: