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The Succubus's Prize by Katee Robert

Title: The Succubus’s Prize (A Deal with a Demon #4)

Author: Katee Robert

Publisher: Trinkets & Tales 2024

Genre: Romance

Pages: 182

Rating: 3/5 stars

Reading Challenges: She Reads Romance - Paranormal Romance; Spooky Season - S

Where It Got It: Library

Spice Rating: 6

Belladonna was born wrong. At least that’s what her parents, religious community, and even her beloved sister believe. Walking away from the church hasn’t helped her come to terms with her purpose in life, and when her sister is diagnosed with cancer, Belladonna has nowhere to turn…until a demon offers her a deal.

After agreeing, nothing is like she expects. There’s no fiery hell to speak of. Her soul seems to still be her own. All she’s required to do is serve. When she’s auctioned off to Rusalka, a powerful and ruthless succubus, her confusion only grows. Rusalka surprises her at every turn, even refusing to allow Belladonna to bear a child that would benefit the entirety of their territory.

Rusalka has sacrificed everything for their people. There are no lengths they won’t go to as leader…but they see something of themself in Belladonna, a familiarity that tempts beyond anything they could have dreamed. They want to keep her.

But if Belladonna can’t release her shame and step into a future where she’s living for herself instead of in service to others… Things may be over even before they begin.

Ooof this one was a hard one! Belladonna is full of religious trauma and shame. There were times that I wanted to put this book down because it was hard to read. It feels like one big therapy session. I enjoyed Belladonna’s side of the story. I enjoyed seeing her grown and come into her own identity. I enjoyed seeing her stand up to Rusalka and the bargainer demons. I didn’t love Rusalka’s side of the story. She just didn’t really have much of a background to build off of. I would have like to see more from the community and her interactions with other members of the court. I am interested in this series to see what Robert tackles next, but I don’t love this series.

A Deal with a Demon

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