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The Queen of Zombie Hearts by Gena Showalter

Title: The Queen of Zombie Hearts (White Rabbit Chronicles #3)

Author: Gena Showalter

Publisher: Harlequin Teen 2014

Genre: YA - Fantasy

Pages: 459

Rating: 4/5 stars

Reading Challenges: A to Z - Q; I Love Libraries; Seasonal Series - Great Friendship

I thought I had nothing left to give. I thought wrong. They started the war. Now I will end it. 

Alice "Ali" Bell thinks the worst is behind her. She's ready to take the next step with boyfriend Cole Holland, the leader of the zombie slayers…until Anima Industries, the agency controlling the zombies, launches a sneak attack, killing four of her friends. It's then she realizes that humans can be more dangerous than monsters…and the worst has only begun.

I sped through this volume just like the first two. I can't get enough of Ali and Cole and all the assorted fun characters. I am right there for the big mysteries. These books are just so much fun to read. I don't want to put them down and can't wait to see what happens next. This particular volume had some very interesting developments. We finally get to meet the head of Anima and see some big developments in Ali's abilities. Lots of fun. Can't wait to pick up the next one.

White Rabbit Chronicles:

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