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The Kraken's Sacrifice by Katee Robert

Title: The Kraken’s Sacrifice (A Deal with a Demon #2)

Author: Katee Robert

Publisher: Trinkets & Tales 2022

Genre: Romance

Pages: 175

Rating: 3/5 stars

Reading Challenges: 52 Book Club - Begins with a “K”; She Reads Romance - Audiobook

Spice Rating: 6

Catalina only made her deal with the demon because she had nowhere else to go. The world has kicked her every chance it got, so she’s all too happy to leave the realm she knows behind. What’s the worst that could happen?

She doesn’t anticipate being auctioned away to a kraken.

Thane is cold and distant…but he’s not unkind. Isolated as they are, Catalina finds herself seeking his company again and again. And when she finally agrees to uphold her portion of the bargain?

That’s when things get really interesting.

But she only gave the demon seven years, and when the time is up, she’ll have no choice but to leave behind the kraken who’s stolen her heart and return to the world that doesn’t want her.

While I absolutely adore the Dark Olympus series, I find that this series it just not my favorite at all. I was intrigued by the set up and loved meeting Azaziel in The Court of the Vampire Queen. I wanted to see how these broken women found their place and happiness. And while I love the women, I have yet to actually enjoy the male characters. Even with chapters from their points of view, we don’t really get a good connection to them. Thane spent the entire time whining about losing his husband years ago. Dude, please stop. I imagine that I will keep reading the series, but I doubt that it will be a favorite of mine.

A Deal with a Demon

  • #1 The Dragon’s Bride

  • #2 The Kraken’s Sacrifice

  • #3 The Gargoyle’s Captive

  • #4 The Succubus’s Prize

  • #5 The Demon’s Bargain

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