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The Kaiju Preservation Society by Jon Scalzi

Title: The Kaiju Preservation Society

Author: Jon Scalzi

Publisher: Tor Books 2022

Genre: Science Fiction

Pages: 272

Rating: 4/5 stars

Reading Challenges

When COVID-19 sweeps through New York City, Jamie Gray is stuck as a dead-end driver for food delivery apps. That is, until Jamie makes a delivery to an old acquaintance, Tom, who works at what he calls “an animal rights organization.” Tom’s team needs a last-minute grunt to handle things on their next field visit. Jamie, eager to do anything, immediately signs on.

What Tom doesn't tell Jamie is that the animals his team cares for are not here on Earth. Not our Earth, at least. In an alternate dimension, massive dinosaur-like creatures named Kaiju roam a warm, human-free world. They're the universe's largest and most dangerous panda and they're in trouble.

It's not just the Kaiju Preservation Society who have found their way to the alternate world. Others have, too. And their carelessness could cause millions back on our Earth to die

This was just what I needed this week! I came off of a few heavy books and I really wanted something fun. Scalzi delivered on the fun that I wanted! We jump right into an alternate Kaiju Earth filled with wonders and so many dangers. We get to learn with Jamie as he navigates his new job. I sped through book desperate to see what happened next. Sometimes you just need a book that doesn’t take itself too seriously. This fit the bill to a tee.

Next up on the TBR pile: