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The Jane Austen Project by Kathleen Flynn

Title: The Jane Austen Project

Author: Kathleen A. Flynn

Publisher: Harper Perennial 2017


Pages: 384

Rating: 5/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Library; Random TBR Pick

London, 1815: Two travelers—Rachel Katzman and Liam Finucane—arrive in a field in rural England, disheveled and weighed down with hidden money. Turned away at a nearby inn, they are forced to travel by coach all night to London. They are not what they seem, but rather colleagues who have come back in time from a technologically advanced future, posing as wealthy West Indies planters—a doctor and his spinster sister. While Rachel and Liam aren’t the first team from the future to “go back,” their mission is by far the most audacious: meet, befriend, and steal from Jane Austen herself.

After renewing this book from the library multiple times, I had run out of time. And then, the libraries all closed due the pandemic and I got extra time to read this one. I finally dove in and was upset with myself for waiting so long. I really enjoyed this time travel story focusing on the life of Jane Austen. I do love Jane Austen and it was a treat to dive into her world even if the book was fictionalized. I loved Liam and his mystery background. Rachel was a less interesting character, but I did grow to enjoy her over the course of the book. I was fully invested in Rachel and Liam’s mission. I didn’t want to leave the world. My only issue was the rushed ending. I would have liked a bit more of an ending. But the rest of the book was great.

Next up on the TBR pile: