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The 22 Murders of Madison May by Max Barry

Title: The 22 Murders of Madison May

Author: Max Barry

Publisher: G.P Putnam’s Sons 2021

Genre: Science Fiction

Pages: 336

Rating: 3/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Unread Shelf

Where I Got It: Book Flood November 2021

"I love you. In every world."

Young real estate agent Madison May is shocked when a client at an open house says these words to her. The man, a stranger, seems to know far too much about her, and professes his love--shortly before he murders her.

Felicity Staples hates reporting on murders. As a journalist for a midsize New York City paper, she knows she must take on the assignment to research Madison May's shocking murder, but the crime seems random and the suspect is in the wind. That is, until Felicity spots the killer on the subway, right before he vanishes.

Soon, Felicity senses her entire universe has shifted. No one remembers Madison May, or Felicity's encounter with the mysterious man. And her cat is missing. Felicity realizes that in her pursuit of Madison's killer, she followed him into a different dimension--one where everything about her existence is slightly altered. At first, she is determined to return to the reality she knows, but when Madison May--in this world, a struggling actress--is murdered again, Felicity decides she must find the killer--and learns that she is not the only one hunting him.

Traveling through different realities, Felicity uncovers the opportunity--and danger--of living more than one life.

I finally picked up this book that’s been sitting on my shelves for a few years. We chose it as a book club read this fall. I was very intrigued by the multi-dimensional murder mystery aspect. I wanted some thriller, some science, and maybe some trippy nonsense. And I got part of that. I enjoyed the chapters that followed Felicity as she attempts to understand what exactly is happening and how to save Madison May. I loved her slow unraveling of the truth. I even loved the quiet moments when she examined her own life and the small changes made each time she moved. And I really enjoyed the dichotomy between Felicity and Hugh. So much potential to explore their frenemy vibe. But the main reason that I knocked off two stars is due to the lengthy sections focused on Madison May. After the first murder, we get it. I don’t see the point of spending many many pages on her point of view as she is killed again. Those sections really drag down the plot and pacing. And it’s not like we as the reader gain any new information. We know Madison is going to die. Sitting around and watching her go about her life in this dimension for many pages before it happens is just boring.

Next up on the TBR pile: