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Summer Adventures - July

Instead of a summer bucket list, we are just taking the weeks as they come. But we ended up having many adventures this month.

Stormy weather caused us to pivot to the Mahoney Activity Center for an afternoon

Saw Trolls 2 at the theater for the cheap movies series

Pool party at a friend’s house for the 4th of July

Multiple hikes around town - Glacier Creek, Heron Haven,

Exploration at the Luminarium

Multiple pool visits

Second session of swim lessons - A passed Level 2, Q did not

Playing Pokemon at club

Ice cream at Dairy Twist

Sleepover at a friend’s house!

Visited the Omaha Zoo complete with splash pad fun

Old fashioned park playdate

Video games playdate with friends

Sushi train visit

Trip to Indiana!

We popped into the Putnam Museum in Davenport on the way. (Free admission using our Morrill Hall membership pass.)

Due to a plane delay, we found ourselves in Indianapolis for an extra day. Explored the Indiana State Museum and walked along the canal. (Free admission using our Morrill Hall membership pass.)

Next up on the TBR pile: